Is Fear Hindering the Achievement of Your Dream?

by Joyce Dunaway @DunawayJoyce

Sometimes we delay starting a project because of fear.

Often we allow the what ifs to paralyze our progress.

[ctt template=”4″ link=”6ohS7″ via=”no” ]Is Fear Hindering the Achievement of Your Dream?[/ctt]

Fear of Failure

Here are some examples of our doubts:

  • The amount of time I spend on this project might not result in success.
  • The money I need to invest might be wasted.
  • The energy and work required could take most of my strength.
  • The shame of failing in front of friends and family would be devastating.

Fear of Success

Even though you dream of success, some of these thoughts might jeopardize your progress:

  • Making a lot of money might make my friends jealous.
  • Becoming famous would take away my privacy.
  • Continuing to be successful would require all my time.
  • More financial investments might be necessary.

Often we allow these fears to delay beginning or continuing the pursuit of our dream.

Suggestions for conquering procrastination:

  • Do something every day that will help you achieve your dream.
  • Associate with people who are successful in your field.
  • Learn the skills needed to succeed.
  • Do what God has called you to do and leave the results to Him.

What is one tip that would help us quit delaying the pursuit of our goals? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below.


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