by Joyce Dunaway @DunawayJoyce
Sometimes we feel we have so many responsibilities we don’t have any time to pursue our dream.
Everyone has responsibilities. However, maybe of the chores involved could be delegated.
Often we feel no one else could do things like we do. You’re right. As a perfectionist, it’s hard for me to watch someone else do things differently. For example, my husband washes dishes that don’t go in the dishwasher in the opposite side of the sink than I do. The job is accomplished even though done differently.
A good way to decide what to delegate would be to use the next two or three days to write down everything you do.
Delegating Chores Could Provide You More Time to Pursue Your Dream[ctt template=”4″ link=”84hN9″ via=”no” ]Delegating Chores Could Provide You More Time to Pursue Your Dream[/ctt]
I’m sure the list will be long, but don’t become overwhelmed. Mark those you personally need and want to do. For example, hugging your family when they leave for the day and listening to them when they return home.
Consider some chores you could delegate.
Even small children are capable of helping. When my son was little, he loved pushing the vacuum cleaner and dusting. However, he only dusted where the furniture polish was applied. If it missed a spot, that area didn’t get dusted, but it taught him taking care of the home is a family responsibility, not just Mom’s
Don’t forget your church responsibilities.
If God has called you to participate in a specific area of service, then do it. However, sometimes when we’re asked to do a job, we say yes without consulting God. Pray and analyze what you’re involved in. If God leads you to eliminate some of the activity, follow His lead. A friend or coworker might try to make you feel guilty, but following God’s leading is more important.
Here are a few examples of activities that could be delegated.
What is a chore or activity you could delegate to give yourself more time to work on your dream? Please leave your comments in the section below.