by Joyce Dunaway @DunawayJoyce Every individual is unique—even identical twins have different DNA. Because of differences in personalities and gift...
Read Moreby Joyce Dunaway @DunawayJoyce If God has placed a dream in your heart, He will provide everything you need to accomplish it. “God will supply...
Read Moreby Joyce Dunaway @DunawayJoyce You may often visualize how excited you’ll be when you accomplish your goals. But you don’t need to wait until t...
Read Moreby Joyce Dunaway @DunawayJoyce “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18 Do you wake up excited about the day or dreadin...
Read Moreby Joyce Dunaway @DunawayJoyce “By faith, Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.” Hebrews 1...
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